200 million buy of btc on bitfinex

200 million buy of btc on bitfinex

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Because it is an unregulated market. You are buying nothing of value at the price that people are willing to pay. And if you think that is. The world's largest cryptocurrency exchange is investing $ million into Forbes so that the website can become publicly traded. Tether, the stablecoin pegged with the US Dollar, saw a massive transfer today when million USDT were moved from Bitfinex to Huobi.
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    calendar_month 18.05.2020
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Okay, this is messy. Because a blockchain is stored across a network of computers, it is very difficult to tampe Blockchain comprises a digital network of blocks with a comprehensive ledger of transactions made in a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or other altcoins. At their most egregious, the payoffs can be horrifying. Magazine [ BuzzFeed News ]. Where does all that connect to the Binance deal?